mercoledì 31 agosto 2011

Verona 1 - Transfer 6 - Week 3

Dear Family and Friends,

Here we are again at P-day!  This time is just flying by!  Miracles to report, hmm... too many to count.  But Charles got baptized, and he was SO happy!  He has been going to lessons with the Anziani and coming to ours, and he never stops bearing his testimony!  He brought another friend, Michael, to his baptism, and now we are teaching him and preparing him for baptsim in September!  It's crazy that we are working with over 12 people right now, and all of them could be baptized this transfer if they just could get all their situations worked out.  It's amazing to see how fast the truly prepared people accept baptism and all of the commandments.  Charles, Alex, and Michael (see picture No. 2) all accepted the baptismal invite almost before we finished inviting them.  Alex, 26 year old, said it would be very hard to accept the Word of Wisdom because he so much loves wine.  He said he needed to go home and pray about it.  Then the next day, he said, "I so much need to quit" and agreed to, from that moment on, always live the Word of Wisdom.  He said, "I so much love the commandments because they make me happy."  For those three, coffee and tea are difficult becuase where they live that's all they are served for breakfast.  I wonder if I would have that kind of faith if I were in their situation.

Another miracle was that we set a goal to have 10 investigators in church this past Sunday.  In Italy, people are usually pretty satisfied to get 2 or 3 in church, but we felt that we could set this goal and had the faith to do everything possible to achieve it.  Saturday night, after a lesson, a mother in one of our families pretty much dropped us.  She said she wouldn't see us the next day because she didn't want us to lose or waist time.  
We prayed that night in companionship prayer that they would come to church anyway, and 30 minutes later, she called and said that they wanted come to church.  She said that she felt it was more important for her to forget her personal problems so that her family could be blessed by the obviously true gospel.  Then they came the next morning.  Prayers really are answered!  I knew that before, but it really seems that here on the mission it all happens 10x's faster.   This Sunday we had 11 investigators in church!   Obviously numbers aren't really the important part.  It's all about the people.  And that is one of our goals as missionaries, to make the people more important than the numbers, but keep track of them with numbers and have people to back up all of the numbers.  So numbers are important, but only because God loves ALL of His children, and in order to keep track, we humans need to use numbers.  :)

So, I finished Isaiah this morning, and I realized that I have a new favorite scriptorian/prophet.  It's truly amazing how he can write something 2600+ years ago, and it can apply directly to me, my life, my mission, and my future.  And all the punishment of the wicked aside (which makes me REALLY want to be one of the righteous at the last day), he wrote the most beautiful dedica to our Saviour Jesus Christ, some of the most elaborate metaphors and imagery I've ever read, and truly comforting words that have upheld and strengthened me before, but especially during this mission.  He makes it clear that God, our Heavenly Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ, really are in charge.  That they truly love us, and that no matter what happens, as long as we continue to turn to them, sharing the gospel with all we can, they will take care of us.

One of the verses that really speaks to me (and this image comes up a few times throughout Isaiah) is in chapter 64, verse 8.  It says, "But now, O Lord, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand."  I really feel like clay out here in Italy.  He shows me what he wants me to be, and then I have to be moldable enough for Him to work with.  Sometimes it hurts a little.  Sometimes I have to give up things that seemed really important to me.  And then I read words like, "As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you," and "Thy sun shall no more go down; neither shall thy moon withdraw itself: for the Lord shall be thine everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be ended," and "For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the convenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee . . . In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it shall not come near thee . . . Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work."

I really feel that the Lord is using me now as an "instrument for His work."   I'm far from worthy of it, but I'm doing my best to keep up with the challenges.  He supports me from day to day, and I know that it is because He has children who need the Gospel here.  He truly loves ALL of his children!  And that means all of you too!  Count your blessings, and say a prayer of gratitude today!  If you are having trials that you don't think you can handle, just know that He has suffered it all so that He may know "how to succor his people according to their infirmities."   He has helped me in my trials, and I know that He will help you too!

Thank you all again for your letters, your kind words, your support in every manner, and most of all your friendship and love over the years!

I love you!

Keep the faith!
-Sorella Willey

1. A door in our apartment... no handle.  And yes, that is the kitchen in the background.  It isn't quite wide enough for the door frame.  ;)
2. Michael, Charles, and Alex at the baptism
3. Slla Willey, Charles, and Slla Cazier

Sorella Willey

Sorella Elizabeth Willey
Missione Italiana di Milano
Via Gramsci, 13/4
20090 Opera MI


mercoledì 24 agosto 2011

Verona 1 - Transfer 6 - Week 2

Dear Family and Friends,

We had a fireside last Sunday where we watched the new Joseph Smith movie, and at the end, ward members started bearing testimony.  I was translating into English for Charles (who's getting baptized this week!), and he asked if I could translate for him to bear testimony.  We went up, and he said that he knew Joseph Smith was a prophet, that during the film he felt as if the prophet was speaking directly to him, and that he was so excited to be getting baptized into the true church.  Then he asked all the ward members to pray for him.  It was beautiful!  All the ward members came up to him, shook his hand, and told them they'd be praying for him.  Our ward is really stepping up to the plate now.  I think Charles and Richard are breaking some of the "traditions" that the stranieri or foreigners don't really have testimonies. Richard also bore a sweet testimony in sacrament meeting the day he was confirmed.  I know this is a miracle because it's not me and Sis. Cazier.  I mean, we have lessons with them to teach them what we know.  Sorella Cazier is fantastic and always bears beautiful testimony, but these people we have been teaching have truly been prepared beforehand and were just searching for the truth, and now they finally know where to find it!  

Yesterday morning in Italian class, we taught Charles and Alex (getting baptized next month!) how to bear testimony in Italian, and they both bore beautiful testimony at the end of the class.  It's so wonderful to see how they are being blessed by the Spirit as they read the Book of Mormon and pray every day!  I used to take the scriptures for granted sometimes.  I'd read a little here and there, some days more, other days less, but now I truly have a testimony of the power of doing these things.  Charles and Alex never miss a reading assignment, always come to church, and ALWAYS feel the Spirit during the lessons.  They always say, "I just feel so happy and peaceful during these lessons!"  Again, it's not us, it's the Spirit.  They do their part, we do our part, and then the Spirit teaches them exactly what they need to know.

We are now teaching a beautiful family.  Part Italian, part Brazilian!  They have 5 kids!  And they're so cute!  3 of them could be baptized very soon, but we're working on helping them gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon.  They say that they already know the Church is the 'most true' of all the other churches, and they want to get baptized, but we want to make sure they are reading and really have a testimony of Joseph Smith.  I know they'll get there.  They really want to know, and it's SO fun to teach a whole family!  A little stressful, I can't lie. The youngest kids, twins, are 3 years old, so they pretty much just want to run all around the whole time. :) 

Dorina and Cristian came to church again and are really searching to find out whether it is true.  Dorina already knows it's true.  Cristian is working on how to receive answers from the Spirit, and trying to adapt all the commandments.  Their little son, Eduardo, likes to pray at the beginning and end of every lesson.  They're so beautiful!  

Well, once again, time's running short.  I guess my letters are getting shorter and shorter!  But aside from all the awesome miracles that we see with our investigators, new converts, and ward members, my testimony continues to grow.  I am realizing just how powerful missionary work really is, and I can't wait to be an AMAZING member missionary when I get home!  Of course, I never want to have to go home, but when I do, at least I can put into practice what I've been learning here. And of course I'll get to see all of you again!!!  

Thank you all again for your letters, support, friendship and love.

Keep the faith!
-Sorella Willey

P.S. Photos:
1. S.lla Willey, Richard Okeoma and S.lla Cazier
2. Charles Ehigiamosoe, Richard, and Alex Igho
3. S.lla Willey and S.lla Smith on our last P-day together at the Verona chapel.

Sorella Willey

Sorella Elizabeth Willey
Missione Italiana di Milano
Via Gramsci, 13/4
20090 Opera MI


mercoledì 17 agosto 2011

Verona 1 - Transfer 6 - Week 1

August 17, 2011

Dear Family and Friends,

As always, transfer week was a little crazy!  I loved going to the station to see all of the missionaries - some going home, others transfering around.  I said goodbye to Anziano Newton (Josh Newton).  He was my first zone leader!  But I also knew him way before his mission when he was 'little Josh.'  He has been such a stalwart example in the mission, and when people talk about miracles, someone almost always says, "I was on scambio with Anziano Newton, and we had this great amazing miracle . . . I learned SO much from him!!"  It's amazing to see how everyone is growing on the mission.  I hope I am growing too!  I know my testimony is growing!  And my love for the scriptures, people, the Gospel  . . .  and, "Oooh everything!"  :)

Then it was so much fun to meet my new companion, Sorella Cazier!  She is from Orem, and already we've found some fun connections.  Her friend's mom, Rachel Gonzales works at Lakeridge, and we both have almost EXACTLY the same taste in music!  It's pretty funny.  She has all the music I wish I had, and the rest of our CDs are almost identical... Motab, classical, etc.  :)  Fun stuff.  But we are having a great week so far, and already seeing miracles!

Charles is just so great!  We started an Italian class for some of our English-speaking investigators, and Charles was the only one who came this week.  But he learned how to pray in Italian, and yesterday he brought a friend to his lesson.  He is SO excited to be interviewed by President Wolfgramm so he can be baptized, and we've taught him everything now!  It's amazing how much he just LOVES learning!  When someone gave him a cigarette to smoke last week and he started to light it, he remembered and through it away.  Then he said he prayed very hard for forgiveness.  He doesn't eat breakfast anymore because where he is staying they only serve tea.  He said, "Are there anymore commandments? Because I want to live them all!"  We met a man in a shop, named DJ, that said he knew Charles.  Then we gave him a Book of Mormon, and he said, "This is the book that I see Charles reading all the time!  Thank you so much!"  We'd met DJ before, and now he's a new investigator!  And his wife just had a baby yesterday!  WOW!

Richard is getting ready for his baptism this weekend, and he watched part of the Testaments with us yesterday.  Then he had to run to the train staion to meet a friend, but BEGGED to could come back today to watch it with us.  SOO cute!  

We got 2 elders in our ward now.  It'll be kind of strange to share Verona 1 with other missionaries, but they are great, so it can only make the work better!  I wish I could just tell you all everything that goes on!  But my hour is ticking away... I got a lot of phonecalls during today's email time today.  Oh well.  I'll be back next week!

Have a wonderful week, and keep the faith!  Thank you for your letters and emails!  I'm sorry I can't respond to any personally this week, but I'll try to do some responding next week.  Hopefully I'll have more time!

Love you all!

-Sorella Willey

P.S.  I forgot my camera completely this time.  Bummer.  next time.

Sorella Willey

Sorella Elizabeth Willey
Missione Italiana di Milano
Via Gramsci, 13/4
20090 Opera MI

lunedì 15 agosto 2011

Verona 1 - Transfer 5 - Week 6

August 10, 2011

Dear Family and Friends,

What an amazing week we've had!!!  I can't even begin to tell all of the miracles that I've seen!  Ok, let's go one person at a time.

Richard.  He came to Italy from Lybia at the end of July, originally from Nigeria, and we met him at the train station.  I think I may have mentioned him before.  But 6 days ago we taught him the word of wisdom, and he committed to stop smoking.  He said, "I will try my personal best."  And yesterday we asked him how he was doing.  He said, "I tried to smoke ONE cigarette on Sunday, and I burned myself.  But that's the only time in this week.  And yesterday my friends threw me a party because I quit smoking.  I don't know if you knew this, but I used to smoke 3 packs every day.  That's 60 cigarettes.  I have tried to quit so many times, but this is the first time it's ever worked.  This burn mark on my arm will always remind me to not smoke.  I don't know how this happened, but I know that I had help."

Then we told him that he had had help from God.  We about fell over backwards when he told us how much he had smoked before, but the Spirit was so strong. It was incredible to see how happy he was!  Then he said, "You know, I've had this conversation before.  Three months ago in a dream.  I remember that I was sitting on a bench with two white girls talking about quitting smoking and drinking.  After I had the dream I tried to go tell my friend, but I forgot before I told him.  I just remembered it."  WOW!  He came to church for the third time in a row this Sunday.  He told us, "I think that the only people I can trust in this world are the people in church."  He really feels the Spirit and loves the people.  We have seen such great changes in him, and he is SOOOO happy now!  We can see his huge smile from a mile away now when we meet him at the bus station, etc.  It's really amazing to see the way that Christ can change people.  Even in such a small amount of time!

Charles!  Oh my, what a great person!  He came to church for the 2nd time in a row, and after only one week of teaching him, we have already taught him all the lessons except for tithing.  He also quit smoking cold turkey, and where he lives, they feed them tea for breakfast, so he doesn't even eat breakfast anymore!  I wish I could make him breakfast everyday, but I can't afford that.  But he also has been reading his Book of Mormon every day.  He marks of "I read" and "I prayed" on his baptismal calendar, and he always comes with questions.  Usually we have to call people the day of appointments to confirm, but now he calls us to remind us about appointments!  He is usually early, and only once he missed an appointment because he lost his phone.  (We usually have people miss 2-3).  But Charles really is growing his testimony.  What a wonderful man of faith.  I just wish I could record all of his cute phrases that he says...  He's got the cutest accent, and he always praises the Lord when by saying "Amen!  God is great!  I love your teaching! or Wow! (half whispered, blinking his eyes violently).  And remind me when I get back to say "Jerusalem" with his awesome accent!

Last Sunday, we also had a couple visiting from Australia (originally from Armenia) who came to church in our ward because they were on vacation.  In Verona we get that a lot.  People from all countries come here to see Juliet's balcony, tomb, house, all the castles, beautiful sights, etc. etc. etc. etc.  This couple really loved the sacrament meeting and hearing all the Italians bear testimony (Sorella Smith and I translate into English for visitors and English speaking investigators each week). Rita, the wife, bore her testimony in English, and I translated into Italian at the pulpit--- that was scary.  But we talked after, and it seemed like we'd met before. That night, we had a musical fireside and we invited them to it.  They brought a couple of friends from Trento who had never been to a Mormon church before, and they LOVED it!  We had 5 ward members step in in the last minute and play violin, viola, guitar, piano, and the first counsellor in the bishopric surprised us with his operatic rendition of Bizet's "Agnus Dei."  It was amazing!  We had planned on a member from Bergamo bringing a cello, but there was a miscommunication, so I ended up singing Marshall MacDonald's version of "Hie to Kolob" with a pianist from the ward, and my companion and I sang a couple of duets... we both made up words to Kolob and Bach's "Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring."  Our ward mission leader, Fratello Luigi Peloni, who used to be an area seventy here in Italy, bore his testimony in Italian and in English, and other missionaries and ward members shared beautiful testimonies.  Charles and Richard had members translating for them, and all were uplifted by the Spirit of the music and testimony.  

The longer I'm here, the more I realize how little everything has to do with me and how everything good that happens is successful because the Lord provided a way.  I have learned a lot this week about becoming "clay in the Potter's hands" and "an instrument in His hands."  The more I try to do my will, the harder it is for Him to work with me and do His will.  I just have to sacrifice my will, and do His work the way He wants me to do it.

Speaking of His will, my dear, dear, sweet, lovely Sorella Smith is being transfered!!!  NOOOOOO!!!!!!!  I was hoping we'd get at least 2 transfers together!  :(  She has been such a GEM, and I will miss her terribly!  I am happy to be able to remain in Verona for another 6 weeks, and very excited to meet Sorella Cazier, but Sorella Smith has left an impression in my heart.  My oh my, how time flies.

Today is my official 9-Months anniversary!  That's SCARISSIMO!!!  Yes, I will take a pregnant picture, for those of you wondering, and yes, we bought gelato to celebrate.  I love this mission, and I hope that the 2nd half doesn't go nearly as fast as the 1st, but I also want to recommitt to be stronger, more obedient, and more willing to sacrifice my will.  

I have fallen in love with the scriptures.  Maybe I shared that before...  But I am reading each morning from each of the "testaments."  Right now I'm in Isaiah 43, Acts 1, Jacob 7, and D&C 36. Personal study just isn't long enough!  The more I read in the scriptures, the more I realize that they're all so connected and all the word of God.  

Anywho, now I'm getting all carried away.  Sorella Smith needs to pack, and I need to send a letter to the president... But hugs and kisses to all of you!  Thank you again for your personal notes, and I apologize again that I can't respond to each one.  But consider yourself hugged, and I'll keep praying for you if you keep praying for me!  And if you don't, I'll still pray for you!  You are all so dear to me, and someday I'll get to give you all real hugs again!  In about 9 months time, actually.  ;)  Thank you for your news and updates!  And as always, thank you for your support and friendship!

Have a wonderful week, and keep the faith!

Love always,
-Sorella Willey

P.S.  Photos are:

1. We had 2 copie of sorelle visit from Reggio and Modena last week for P'day and took a picture on the wall of Castel Vecchio.
2. My district here and Owen-  AWESOME new convert from Nigeria


Sorella Willey

Sorella Elizabeth Willey
Missione Italiana di Milano
Via Gramsci, 13/4
20090 Opera MI

mercoledì 3 agosto 2011

Verona 1 - Transfer 5 - Week 5

August 3, 2011

Dear Family and Friends,
Thank you all for your birthday wishes!  I'm sorry I can't respond and thank you personally, but I appreciate your thoughts and the news you shared with me!  I love you all, and I pray for you often!   I wasn't expecting much for my b'day, but a senior couple came to check our apartment last week, and took us to get pizza.  Then they ordered me a cheesecake, and then we got gelato.  So yes, I'm one year older, but I'm also 1 pound up.  ;)  Oh well.  The good food is worth it.
This week was BEAUTIFUL!!!  Charles, (who will be baptized in 2 weeks) is reading and reading the Book of Mormon.  He's understanding it and asking questions about the reading!   It is such a relief to not have to probe him to find out if or what he read!  And then he said, "So what exactly are the time requirements for baptism?  How soon can I do it?"  We told him that he had to come to church at least 2 more times.  Then he looked at Saidi (who will also be baptized in 2 weeks)  and said, "We might have to miss that mandatory meeting they have this Sunday. It's REALLY important that we show up to church so we can be baptized."  !!!!!!!   I'm so grateful that the Lord led us to elect souls who understand the importance of coming to church and keeping commitments! 
To me it is a miracle that we were prompted to go to this 'African Beauty Center' over and over this transfer.  We passed out over 10 Books of Mormon to various people, taught at least 5 lessons to various friends there, but nobody ever came to church. Then on the day when we said, "We need to stop going there because nobody's coming to chruch.  This will be our last visit,"  we met Saidi and he introduced us to Charles.  Both of them came to church immediately.  They both have challenges to overcome, but the faith to follow Jesus Christ and use the Atonement to overcome them.  At the end of the lesson yesterday, Saidi said, "Now, we really have to pray for Charles because he smokes and drinks."  We haven't even taught the Word of Wisdom, but we got to address the problem early and let him know ahead of time that ANYTHING was possible, and put in a plug for 'replacing' the old habit with a new one (like reading).  :)  They both already understand what they need to do, and they're ready to do it.
They both said that they know they were led to Italy so they could meet us.  They are from Nigeria, and they have an incredible story!  They came on boats with 200+ people on 'top sea.'  Saidi (pronounced saw-eed) had a particularly miraculous experience.  With 210 people, their boat was shipwrecked.  There were 4 babies, and for 4 days they were in the water.  After a couple of days, they had to drink sea water.  None of them died.  The whole time they prayed and sang and praised God.  Then, at one point after they all were singing, there was all of a sudden silence.  Complete silence.  They waited for many minutes, and then they saw 6 ships which came to the rescue!  
Believe it or not, this happened in May 2011.  Yes, right here in the 21st century!  Charles said that when he was on the boat, he felt that it was just him and God.  He prayed and made a pact that he would always serve God.  He said that he was never very religious, but being without anything, in the middle of the ocean, changed his look on life.
I think that has changed the way I look at my mission.  It would be easy to complain and say, "But I don't get TV, movies, novels, magazines, jeans, swimming, etc. etc. etc."  But instead, we get to focus so much more energy on God. On people, and on the relationship we have with God.  I have so much to learn still, but I am learning that my relationship with my Heavenly Father and with His Son and my Savior Jesus Christ, is one of the most precious things that I or anyone else can attain in this life.  I keep learning it over and over, and every time I feel like I get a little closer.   
I am so grateful for what I am learning here and the wonderful people I get to meet and 'teach.'  I hope you are all doing fantastically well, and I appreciate so much your friendship, love, and concern for me and my family.   Every one of you blesses so many people every day, and I feel lucky to have been blessed by you!
Have a wonderful week!  Next week I'll have transfer updates.  I have the feeling I'm going to be going a long way this transfer.  Maybe I'll stay, but who knows!? 
In the meantime, keep the faith, and if you're wondering what the purpose of the Book of Mormon is, look at Jacob 1:1-8.  I just read it this morning, and it also describes my purpose here in Italy.  'To invite others to come unto Christ.'
Love always,
-Sorella Willey 
P.S.  This computer doesn't have a 'send photos' option.  Pictures coming next week.  It'll be good.  I promise.

Sorella Willey

Sorella Elizabeth Willey
Missione Italiana di Milano
Via Gramsci, 13/4
20090 Opera MI