Dear Family and Friends,
I am winding up to the end of another transfer, and we have been seeing lots of miracles, as usual. :) I have loved getting your letters and emails, as usual. And this week, Matilda, our 20 year old investigator from Ghana will be baptized! She has been studying the scriptures above and beyond, and she has a friend at nearly every lesson! She really has gained a testimony of the truth of this message. I know that she will continue to grow and learn, and the ward is becoming more and more open to receiving new converts. For a while I was worried because they aren't always particularly excited about 'stranieri' or foreigners. But we have lots of people coming to the baptism, and I think it will be wonderful for her to be confirmed in Sacrament Meeting during the Ward Conference this week.
As usual, I'm a little worried about transfers. I know that whatever happens, I'll be exactly where God wants me to be. But at the same time, I don't want to leave all of these people with whom I have been working. There are so many wonderful blessings in the mission. It is hard. Very hard. But one of our investigators was asking about what happens after the mission, and it hit me how hard it will be to take off the tag (in a few years when I finish...). I don't want to think about it right now, or ever. But I have really learned to love this work, these people, and most of all the Savior and His teachings.
In my last few seconds, may I recommend 2 Nephi 33:10. We talked about the power of conversion yesterday in District meeting and how important the role of the Book of Mormon is in this process. We must gain a testimony of the words of Christ through reading the scriptures, all of them. ;) And then praying for a confirmation from the Spirit of God. Even if we already feel that it is true, to gain a testimony, we must pray. We must ask God. I ask every once in a while, even though I know it's true. Every time I ask, I feel that peace and confidence come into my heart, and I KNOW it's true!
I love you all! Thank you for your support, love, friendship, and everything you have done for me before and during this mission! I pray for you always, and feel the influence of your prayers!
Love always,
-Sorella Willey
PS the photos are:
1. Sorella Jacobson, my scambi companion last week in Firenze. She is FANTASTIC!!!
2. Sorella Smith, here on scambi with the other companionship. She was roommates with Catherine and Kristina last semester at BYU! She is AMAZING!!!
Sorella Willey
Sorella Elizabeth Willey
Missione Italiana di Milano
Via Gramsci, 13/4
20090 Opera MI
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