mercoledì 13 luglio 2011

Verona 1 - Transfer 5 - Week 2

July 13, 2011

Dear Family and Friends,
The work here is so different!  We have tons and tons of people that we see, and everyone is at a different level of learning.  We are learning so much together, and we have really felt the Spirit teaching us how to love everyone.  Last week were SOO tired!  This week, we're SOOO tired!  But it is worth it.  Every second.  
I keep learning more about the power of prayer.  God really wants us to be happy.  He wants us to have the true desires of our hearts.  We need to have the faith to ask Him what we really truly want.  If we aren't sure what we really want, or we are confused about what we think we want, we can always just ask what we should ask for.  He knows what we need, and if we can desire to desire what He wants for us, He will give us those things that make us happiest. 
I have seen so many people suffering.  Family problems, lack of work, home, food, love, friendship, confidence, etc. etc. etc.  So many people have so many needs.  I feel so blessed to have so much, and sometimes I feel like I can never share enough.  But then I realize that if I can just help people to understand their relationship with God, they will be able to pray to Him, find out His will for them, and He will help them obtain those things they need most.
I'm attaching photos because I am short on words.  I'm getting tired!  Eeek!  I feel so old!  But the energy always comes when I'm teaching, talking to people, and reading the scriptures. 
Thank you all for your support and love!  Keep the faith, and remember how much God loves you!  If you don't know, ask Him!  If you've already asked Him, ask again!  It always feels good to get one of those spiritual hugs! 
Love from Verona,
-Sorella Willey
P.S.  The photos are:
1. Sorella Smith and I went to Cuneo (significa 'wedge' in Italian)  and we took photos on the 'edge of the wedge'
2. Sorella Burgoyne and Sorella Ryan came and did a scambio in Verona with us!  It was a BLAST and they really taught us a TON!  I love learning from other missionaries!  S.lla Burgoyne was in the district just older than mine at the MTC, so it was great to catch up with her and learn from her spirit and preparation!  She's wonderful!  Sorella Ryan was serving in Milano 2 when I was in Milano 1, so we lived together for 2 transfers!  Funny story, when I first got to MIlano, she was starting her 5th transfer.  Now I'm starting my 5th!  EEEEEKK!!!
3. P.P.S.  My half-way mark comes this transfer.  That's even scarier.  NOOOOOOO!!!!!
4. P.P.P.S.  I love you all!
5. P.P.P.P.S.  Grazie per tutte le vostre notizie e le belle lettere!  Sto imperando tanto da tutte le storie ed anche le testimonianze!  Sto anche imparando Italiano meglio.  Stavo facendo i sogni in Italiano per quasi tutto questo trasferimento.  Non so perchè sto scrivendo in Italiano, nè anchà perchè non farò una traduzione.  Ma pensavo che sarrebbe divertente per voi o tradurlo con Google translator o leggerlo se gia parlate Italiano.  A volte addesso, quando sto parlando con qualcuno, parlo in Inglese ed anchè in Italiano, e non c'è una differenza.  Se aggiungio una parola in Inglese con un Italiano, la mia collega mi correge, ma in Inglese, ci sono tante parole che non mi ricordo di più.  Spero che posso parlare encore un pò in Inglese con voi quando torno.  Ma se no, dovete aiutarmi.  Di solito quando parlo in Inglese addesso, è con qualcuno di Nigeria, allora, parlo con un accento un pò stranno.  Parlo 'pigeon.'  Ma communque, sono contento di aver imperato questa lingua.  Encora ha tantissimo d'imperare, ma Dio mi aiuta quando ho bisogno.  So che questo lavoro è lavoro di Dio, e anchè se non sono perfetta, va avanti encora.  Provo il mio meglio, e Lui fa il resto. 
Vi voglio tantissimo bene! 

Sorella Willey

Sorella Elizabeth Willey
Missione Italiana di Milano
Via Gramsci, 13/4
20090 Opera MI



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