sabato 22 ottobre 2011

Verona 1 - Transfer 7 - Week 4

October 20, 2011

Dear Family and Friends,

Wow, it has been a hard week!  About a week ago, I started getting those same dizzy spells.  Just like in Milano.  My head would spin around in circles, and I couldn't get out of bed or stay out of bed for long.  We miraculously have been able to still teach people.  Just like in Milano, I'm just fine during the lessons.  The Spirit sustains me when we're with investigators, but pretty much any other time, I'm in bad condition.  I mean, I'm fine.  No need to worry, but I just don't feel fine.  Luckily Sorella Hanks is just the sweetest little companion anyone could ask for.  Incredibly obedient, supportive, and studious.  She'll close all the windows and have just enough light to be able to read so I can sleep off and on during the day.  The worst was when we went with an investigator and her friend to get hot chocolate by the lake, and on the way home, we had to pull over so I could... well, undrink the hot chocolate.  Ooops.  Then the elders came to our apartment and gave me a blessing.  That was a little strange to have anyone else in the apartment, but particularly the missionaries.  The blessing was beautiful, though, and I felt much better.  I was even able to make it through ward council and church the next morning.  The power of the priesthood is undeniable. And I also have really grown a testimony of it as I have been studying to teach it to my dear investigators.  Two of them, Unity and Monday, young men from Nigeria, have been particularly interested in why they'd need to be baptized again.  We actually carried our toaster from the apartment to the church and gave them the 'unplugged vs. plugged in' toaster lesson to demonstrate why baptism needs the proper authority.  Monday thought it was hilarious, and Unity got it.  Unity is set, and Monday still needs to decide to read the Book of Mormon.  He loves the lessons, though.  It's funny.  He says, 'I'm the kind of person who cannot be convinced,' but then when we taught them the Word of Wisdom, they both agreed to try it for a week to see if they didn't receive the blessings.

We brought our family (the Meneghini family) to church again, and the primary program was so cute!  Their son, Gabriel, also participated in it.  I'm pretty sure I've already described their family, but they are all pretty awesome.  She is from Brazil, near Rio in a place called Salvador, I think.  He's Veronese, and the kids are SO cute!  She started introducing her friends to us now, and it's been fun to see the gospel bless their family.  Her whole family has been members for years, the Reis-Lago family...  I think that's how it's spelled.  But now they're going to join together as a family.  It's just so lovely to see them progress.  Reading the scriptures as a family, as a couple, and receiving answers to their prayers.

I've really missed my studies this week.  I can usually get in about 10 minutes of Book of Mormon reading, but after that my head spins.  I feel that mancanza... that's not English... Let's just say that I miss it a lot.  I think I'm going to have to keep up 2-3 hour scripture study after the mission too.  Hopefully I won't have anything else to do at 8:00 every morning.  :)  But this morning it was really great because I was able to wake up only an hour late and read from the New Testament a little.  It's pretty incredible how diligent and blessed Paul the apostle was.  He really knew his duty, and he did it.  I want to be more like Paul.  Paolo, in Italian. :)  I finished Acts and started Romans.  It is amazing how the Bible and the Book of Mormon really do go together.  We were planning a lesson on the Book of Mormon, but I was able to find awesome stuff in the Bible to back it up!  

Anywho, I'd probably better start wrapping it up.  Thank you again for your emails this week!  It was great to hear from each of you!  I hope that the Lord continues to bless you and help you in your families, work, school, etc.  I pray for you, and I'm so grateful for your prayers!  I really feel the Lord supporting me in hard times, and I know it's because so many people pray for me with faith!  Say hello to the temple for me!  I've been particularly missing it this week.  All those of you who are temple going people, go once for me this week!  And those of you who aren't, pray about how you can prepare.  I know one of the first best ways is to read from the Book of Mormon.  

May I recommend Helaman 5 to those of you in search of a chapter.  I just love the description of the voice of the Holy Spirit that it gives in verses 30 and 45-47.  It also inspires me to be a better instrument, more faithful, and less fearful.  But then, of course, the scripture mastery verse, vs. 12, is incredibly powerful.  It talks about how we can only be safe if we build upon our Savior.  He is "the rock... our Redeemer . . . Christ, the Son of God."  I know that the more sure we are in our testimony of Him and obedeient we are to His will, the less power the adversary will have over us.  He really is our 'sure foundation.'    I am getting to know Him more personally, and I am so grateful for what He did for me!  And for everyone!  It has been great to see prophecy fulfilled out here in Italy as the Gospel is literally preached to all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people.  I am grateful for the chance I have to be here.  

Thank you all for your support, sustain, friendship, love, prayers, and everything!  

Keep the faith!

Tanti Saluti da Verona,
-Sorella Willey

Sorella Willey

Sorella Elizabeth Willey
Missione Italiana di Milano
Via Gramsci, 13/4
20090 Opera MI

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