Dear Family and Friends,
This has been an exhausting week! We have been going CRAZY and
literally teaching everyone that we can possibly talk to! We've
probably gotten more rejections this week than in my entire life, but
we've also met lots of very beautiful people. Last night we met a
family from Peru, and we'll be going back to see them on Saturday.
Throughout the week, we've seen lots of disappointments, but we've
really changed in the process.
Sorella Forbes has found the inner bold and couragious missionary, and
she literally talks to everyone possible. It's kind of a game now
that I say, "Oooo, we should talk to them!" And then she says, "OK!"
and then talks to them. It's so wonderful, and she also encourages me
to be bolder. I love Sorella Forbes!
Friday night we had both felt that we should go to a specific park
(for the first time ever) first thing in the morning, and find people
to teach. Saturday morning we went, ended up being able to teach
Wafia and Adil, and then as we were closing up the with Adil, we saw a
beautiful miracle. Marco, one of our investigators, whom we have been
trying to reach for nearly 2 weeks, walked up with his son and said
hi! You might say that all these little events are the miracles. They
are miracles. How could we have known that Marco would be at the park
at just that time? We were planning on a last resort of sending a
text message from a pay phone. It was a miracle that we were able to
see Clara and Giuseppe the last day before they went on vacation. It
was a miracle that something that one sister said in a 2 minute
presentation changed my mission and my life forever. The real
miracle, though, is how we have changed this week.
It was so much easier before to find people to teach. I used to take
it for granted almost. But now we have to give our all, and more, and
the result is that we have much more trust in God, and He blesses us
with many more tender mercies.
Well, I guess I'm going to wrap it up here. I don't have much more to
say. I've been reading lots of conference talks this week, and
listening to more! We got to see the Saturday Afternoon session and
Sunday Morning session, but unfortunately we didn't get to see
Saturday Morning or Sunday Afternoon. Well, we saw a little of Sat AM
in Spanish and French. And a few seconds in Romanian, but the
broadcast was having issues in Italian. I can't wait to find out
which temples have been annouced and hear all the rest of the talks!
I keep starting the Book of Mormon over! Not because of the Isaiah
chapters, but because there are SO many lessons to learn from Nephi!
I've probably recommended this verse a gazillion times, but it is SO
beautiful and SO true! 1 Nephi 10:19. If we truly seek, we shall
find. I LOVED Elder Scott's talk about revelation, (at least that's
what I learned from it). One thing really hit me... he said if we are
thinking of others we are more likely to receive revelation that if we
are thinking only of ourselves. Heavenly father will 'piggyback'
blessings for us as we try to help others. And at the end he said,
"Revelation is a sacred RESPONSIBILITY and blessing." We ought to
receive revelation. We MUST receive revelation! What a blessing to
have the fulness of the Gospel and living prophets who can boldly and
safely guide us to God.
I know that God is just SO excited to hear from us every day! Prayer
is becoming so much more personal to me these weeks. I really feel
that the more I am willing to share with my Heavenly Father, the more
He is able to share with me!
I love you all, and I look forward to seeing you soon!
Keep the faith!
-Sorella Willey
P.S. Packages at this point would be better not sent. Customs are SO
high now adays, that it's cheaper to send $200 to your missionary than
to mail a package of $20 worth of clothes, candy, personal items,
etc.. By the time it reaches the missionary, if it reaches the
missionary, customs could be up to $150. Plus the price of mailing
it, plus any possible charge that Italy can come up with. The country
is in serious debt, and they're trying to solve it with customs.
Thank you all for your letters and packages sent throughout the
mission! They were happily received, and I really appreciate all of
them! And all of YOU!!!

Sorella Willey
Sorella Elizabeth Willey
Missione Italiana di Milano
Via Gramsci, 13/4
20090 Opera MI
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