mercoledì 22 febbraio 2012

Cuneo - Transfer 11 - Week 4

February 22, 2012

Dear Family and Friends,

So, as usual, not much time.  So I'll just share a quick snippet from our work last week.

We were fairly discouraged on Saturday night.  We had planned over 25 lessons for the week.  After teaching number 14 that morning we had done already hours of casa and strada.  We rang a citofano.  No answer.  Rang the second.  Same.  Then I said, 'Ok, one more and we'll go to the next building.'  I rang it.

The typical, 'Chi è?'  (Who is it?)

'Sono Sorella Willey.' (It's me, Sister Willey.)

'Sorella di chi?' (Who's sister?)

'Sono una sorella della Chiesa.' (I'm a sister from the Church) 

'Ma cosa vuole?'  (What do you want?)

'Condividere un messaggio riguardo alla famiglia.'  (To share a message about the family).  Then I felt a little guilty that maybe he might have thought I was from the Catholic church.  

But then he said, 'Vuole salire?' (Do you want to come up?)

'SI!!!' (YES!!!)   And then he opened the door.  When we got up the stairs to his floor he said, 'Entrate pure!' (Come right on in!!!)

We were a little tentative because for these last few weeks most people have been very rude.  We stepped in, and his wife peeked around the corner (in her Carnivale [Italian holiday] kitty cat face paint she looked a little intimidating).  'Chi è?' She asked her husband...

Long story short, they invited us in, told us that they had been studying a little with the Jehovah's Witnesses, Marco (the husband) had played basketball with the missionaries 15 years earlier in Savona, and Anna was very interested because even though they attended the Catholic church and were very involved, they were a little disillusioned with the policies and were unofficially searching.   Better yet, their calling was working in the baptizing-babies-for-part-member-families department, and so baptism was already brought up in the first 5 minutes.  They do believe that it's a little strange that babies don't really get a say in the matter, etc. etc. etc.

Then they invited us to eat their Chinese dinner that they had just finished preparing.   After we blessed the food, Marco said, 'Devo chiamare la mamma!' (I've got to call my mom!) He proceeded to tell her that he had just invited us in... (so we were two Italians and two Americans eating Chinese food prepared by their Philipina cook).  Then he said that it was the Ragazze (Girls) this time, not the Ragazzi (Guys).  He also said he wouldn't have let in the Ragazzi (or the Elders) anyway.  Apparently his mom had invited the missionaries in years ago as well.

It's true that angels are preparing these people to meet the missionaries.  We just have to knock on the right doors!

During scambio on Monday, Sorella Soh and Forbes invited Anna to baptism  We're seeing them again on Saturday.  We have been praying for a family, and they are incredibly great!  They'll also be coming to church on Sunday.  YAY!!!!

Again, for lack of time, I'll close by inviting you all to read the 127th and 128th section of Doctrine and Covenants regarding baptisms for the dead.  It's SOOO beautiful, and I especially love the verses of 128:22-24.  I just know that this is the Lord's work.  I know that the earth and the angels of God rejoice when someone decides to humble themselves and let Christ change their life for the better.  Cristina, one of our investigators, is being interviewed by President today.  She has made SUCH great changes in her life, and she just glows as she's sharing with us what she read in the Book of Mormon that morning.  We're so proud of her, but she could still use your prayers for the next couple of weeks as Satan works VERY hard to stop her progress. 

I'll leave you with D&C 127:11:
'I now close my letter for the present, for the want of more time . . . '

I love you all!  Thank you for your love, letters, love-letters (jk), friendship, and support all my life and my mission!

Keep the faith!
-Sorella Willey

Sorella Willey

Sorella Elizabeth Willey
Missione Italiana di Milano
Via Gramsci, 13/4
20090 Opera MI

mercoledì 15 febbraio 2012

Cuneo - Transfer 10 - Week 3

February 15, 2012

Dear Family and Friends,

It was so fun to get your letters this week!  Unfortunately, as usual, I will probably not be able to respond to many individually, but know that I am thinking of you and praying for each of you!  Thank you for the miracle stories and the updates on family, family photos, and testimonies that you shared.  My testimony grows everytime a friend, family or loved one shares with me.  Thank you!

This week has been up and down.  We have two women preparing for baptism, and many others who want to know, but haven't yet received their answers.  We are working with them and trying to help them, but the biggest problem is that we haven't been able to see most of them this week.  Everyone is sick, searching for work, busy with work, or just isn't available when we are.  We have knocked on a lot of doors, and unfortunately, we have seen very little response.  We have seen miracles, we have been able to see people touched by the Spirit, and we've even found people ready to receive the Gospel, but there seems to be a time monster that is eating everyone's time.  Does that ever happen to you?  That you know you want to do something, but you just don't see how you'll have time?

On Sunday, we had a really crazy experience.  We were about to go out in the afternoon, but then ran into a little personal type of emergency.  No worries, nothing to worry about, problem solved.  But at the time it seemed pretty urgent.  We called a member of the branch, he called another, and then we had the entire branch at our side to help us.  The branch president came and gave me a blessing, and I knew that everything would be fine.  When we arrived home that night just before 10PM, we called Sister Wolfgramm (the wonderful wife of our wonderful mission president), and we both felt incredible love and safety.  We are SO blessed to have the Wolfgramms as our mission 'mom and dad,' and they are truly inspired in their guidance, counsel, and leadership.  I was so grateful for the care and love in this city, in our branch, and for the wonderful organization we have in the Church.  It really is a miracle to see people who 'mourn with those that mourn and comfort those that stand in need of comfort.'  I am so grateful for the friends, leaders, and family members who take the time in their life to take care of others.

Well, time is running out.  But I was thinking of sharing two little thoughts.  First:
Rounded Rectangle: True Love

     “For God so loVed the world
      That He gAve
      His onLy
   That whosoever
       Believeth In Him
   Should Not perish,
But have Everlasting life.”

John 3:16

Fun huh?  The Sorelle in the office sent us that.  I love Sorella Smith and Sorella Burgoyne!  Happy Valentines Day!  

Second, I was reading over some of my notes in one of my Books of Mormon that I'm marking up here, and it really stuck out to me that God really wants us to have happiness.  He sends us messages all over the place.  Just look at the mountains, the sky, the hills, the snow, the sunset, etc.  He sends us family, friends, leaders, prophets, neighbors, and co-workers who have something special to offer us and make us better.  He sends us books, music, art, and the means to find all sorts of great answers.  And then, of course, He sent us Jesus Chrst, so that we can change, repent, leave behind the bad and the ugly, and start fresh everyday clean, hopeful, and full of love.  "The tender mercies of the Lord are over all . . . because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance" (1 Nephi 1:20).  

I love my mission.  It's definitely not easy.  It's definitely not what I expected, but I am learning and growing and changing every day.  I am so grateful for my wonderful companion, for my wonderful companions, who have each taught me about myself, about the Gospel, and about lots of other great things that I'm so grateful to now have and know.  

I'd like to recommend Mosiah 23 and 24.  I'm pretty sure I've recommended it before, but it couldn't hurt to read it again.  SO beautiful!

I love you all!  Thank you for being YOU!!!

Love always,
~Sorella Willey

Sorella Willey

Sorella Elizabeth Willey
Missione Italiana di Milano
Via Gramsci, 13/4
20090 Opera MI

venerdì 10 febbraio 2012

Cuneo - Transfer 10 - Week 2

February 8, 2012

Dear Family and Friends,

I just want to share a quick experience that happened last Sunday night.

Sorella Forbes and I knew that we needed to meet two people that day, and weren't going to go home until we found them.  As time went along, we prayed more and more fervently in every elevator that we could find them.    The biggest problem was that it was 8:55, and we were nearing the house.  It was FREEZING cold, and we couldn't feel our fingers and toes anymore.  At 8:59, we were at our apartment door, and I saw two girls standing on the corner.  They were actually prostitutes who stand there almost every night.  We went up to them, and for 2 minutes we weren't sure if we should actually talk to them.  We just stood there praying to know what we should say.  Then we talked to them, shared with them a message about the plan of salvation, told them we had a Book of Mormon for them in Romanian, and set up a follow-up appointment.  They came closer to Christ.  They said they knew that God had a plan for them, but they were very confused.  They were probably 18 and 19 years old.  We did say a prayer, and at 9:20 when we climbed the stairs into the apartment, we knew that if we had gotten in to teach a lesson during "casa," we wouldn't have talked to those two girls on the corner that night.  We knew they needed our message as much as anyone, and maybe even more that cold night.   Hopefully they won't be on the corner of the street much longer. 

I am realizing that time is running quickly.  I still have a good deal of mission left, but in real time, it's practically nothing.  We are always trying to do our best, failing at a lot of things, and being saved by miracles in many others.  I am so grateful for my family and great friends who write me, support me, and will be waiting for me when I return... But that's not for at least another year or two, right?  

Sorella Forbes is GREAT!  She could so easily train an incoming sorella next transfer.  I am learning so much from her.

Ok, here goes the scripture moment.   So, Sorella Forbes and I were going to read Alma 42 together on Monday, but then she started reading something else.  I opened up my Italian book and  started into it.  Alma 42 is great because every time you read it, you learn something you never knew you never knew before.  And until you know, you probably will think you already knew it.  And maybe you did, but you won't know until you know.... So you'd better read it to find out!

In verse two and three, I learned something really fun.  It talked about the tree of life that was guarded by the sword and cheribums.  I realized (maybe you all knew this already) that this tree of life was probably, almost definitely, the same tree of life as in Lehi's dream!  It's the same tree of life that Alma 32 talks about, and it's the tree of life that we can eat from every day as we have faith, repent, participate in saving ordinances (like baptism), live worthily of the Spirit, and endure to the end.   If Adam and Eve had subito eaten from that tree, then we wouldn't be able to have the amazing experience described in Alma 32... planting the seed of faith, nourishing it with the word, learning, growing, and becoming from experiences.  It would be like Satan's plan.  But only Adam and Eve would be 'saved' but having become nothing.  Having had no experiences, so unable to appreciate the joy and love that we all appreciate in this life!

I love the scriptures!  Sometimes I wish that studies were 5 hours instead of 3.  But then I woudn't be able to share it with hardly anyone.  I am loving this experience here, and I highly recommend it to anyone who is considering a mission.  Just turn your papers in and you'll start seeing miracles!  Guaranteed!  

Thank you all for your support!   

Keep the faith!

Love always,
-Sorella Willey

Sorella Willey

Sorella Elizabeth Willey
Missione Italiana di Milano
Via Gramsci, 13/4
20090 Opera MI

giovedì 9 febbraio 2012

Cuneo - Transfer 10 - Week 5

February 29, 2012

Dear Family and Friends,
As alwasys, not much time.  As usual, I have a little story.  :)
We had been working with a man who was very discouraged about life.  We met him on the street last transfer, and we were making good progress until he disappeared two weeks ago.  On Saturday, we were praying for our investigators to come to church.  As I was listing off people, I thought, 'Why not pray for Alessio?'  :)  Of course that was the Spirit.  I prayed that he'd have a desire to come to church, and then he actually showed up the next morning.  On time.  With no phonecall, no warning.  He just wanted to come to church, and he was talking to a bunch of members after sacrament meeting.  He now knows many of them by name, and though he just got a job and it's harder to meet with him than ever, we have lots of hope for him.  It's amazing how quickly the Lord answers prayers of missionaries.  I wonder if I'm really worthy of those blessings sometimes, but then I realize that none of us are ever really perfectly perfect, but because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can be forgiven and counted worthy through Him.

I'm so grateful for the Book of Mormon, and I know that it's true.  This morning as I was reading in that copy that you gave me at the beginning, I felt the Spirit bear testimony again as I read in Mormon 7 about Jesus Christ being our example and Savior.  I just can't imagine not being able to read from those inspired words every day.  It's such a sad story but such a hopeful and true message.  The most beautiful part about it is that we can all change.  Through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we can all improve a little every day. 
I don't remember from week to week what I've written in these emails.  I kind of just sit down and write what I'm thinking and feeling.  Maybe I repeat myself a lot.  I often catch myself writing about scriptures I've read, and I often read the same scriptures more than once.  So if I repeat myself a lot, forgive me.  I am just so grateful for the opportunity to share a little of what gives me joy with the people I love the most. 
Thank you all for your letters.  I'm going to have a little time this afternoon, so maybe I can respond to some of you... hopefully. :)   I just want you all to know how much each of you means to me.  If I had 12 hours of email time, I'm pretty sure I still couldn't express enough to all of you what I feel and how grateful I am to each of you. 
Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything!
Love you all,
-Sorella Willey
Sorella Willey

Sorella Elizabeth Willey
Missione Italiana di Milano
Via Gramsci, 13/4
20090 Opera MI

mercoledì 1 febbraio 2012

Cuneo - Transfer 10 - Week 1

February 1, 2012

Dear Family and Friends,
I am so grateful for this opportunity to serve a mission.  I have been seeing so many blessings in my life, in the lives of others, and sometimes almost feeling like I have a part in it.  It's more that it's having a part in me.  The scriptures have really been coming to life.  Especially the Book of Mormon is beginning to have a greater influence on my everyday life, more than I ever really thought possible. 
Last week I wasn't able to write an email.  Maybe nobody missed it.  But in that time, my dear Sorella Oakes was transfered to Varese (where the sisters have never been), and I got a GEM of a companion straight from the MTC!  She is AMAZING!  Her Italian is better than some of the members' here, and much better than mine.  She is so humble, sweet, and easy to get along with, and lets me try out crazy recipes every day.  I also got a fun email from her grandparents (thank you!!!), and found out that her Great Great Grandfather was the settler of Pleasant Grove!  Small world.  I knew we were related somehow.  :)  
This week I have started the Book of Mormon again.  I'm still reading in the other 2 places, but I felt like I should start again to read along with some of our investigators whom we have challenged to start and finish the Book of Mormon this year.  I have found that in just the first 5 chapters there are SO many parallels to my life!  Too many to share right now, but I thought I'd at least share a couple of verses that hit me pretty hard. 
1 Nephi 5:8 reminds me that whatever the Lord commands me, I can do. He will protect me and my family, and deliver us as promised.
Verse 9 reminds me that in all things I should give thanks.
Then verse 10 inspires me to search the scriptures, thoroughly.
The rest of the verses have lots of cool meaning to me, but in verse 20, I had a thought yesterday that really changed my outlook on life. It says, "And it came to pass that thus far I and my father had kept the commmandments wherewith the Lord had commanded us."  I thought about what the Lord had commanded Nephi and Lehi, and realized that it wasn't just to "be nice, help others, etc. etc."  The Lord had a very specific plan for them, and involved so much more than just being good people.  Here was my thought:  Being obedient isn't just doing good things and avoiding sin.  God has a specific and personalized plan for each one of us, and it involves so much more than just passive compliance.  We must actively seek for inspiration by searching the scriptures and words of prophets and leaders so that we can reach all the promised blessings that God has for us personally.
Verses 21 and 22 talk about how important the records (or scriptures) were, and particularly it hit me that to reach my "land of promise," I must carry with me (in my heart, mind, actions and scripture case) these inspired words.  God truly speaks to us through these inspired words.  I know that the scriptures are for us.  They are for me, and I love them so much!
Well, updates.  Hmmm, the ward is great, and we have really seen them opening up their hearts and homes.  Particularly the new converts are being treated like royalty!  David, a recent convert, brought his mother, Rosy, to church a few weeks ago.  We taught her last week, and she had so many questions.  We kind of taught a round about lesson, trying to answer her questions.  We have been asked to invite people to baptism at their first lesson.   We were a little afraid, and ended up giving her a weak invite to think about baptism.  Then, 3 days later, she came for another lesson.  We had planned to read Alma 32 with her, but the Spirit and her questions said, "Tell her about the Restoration and 1st Vision."  We simply taught the message of the Restoration, and as we finished the 1st vision, she said, "E' vero."  "It's true."  Then we followed it up with an invite to be baptized, and the Spirit testified to her that it was the right thing.  She accepted, and though she said she is not ready to commit to a date yet, she came to church, even though she said she probably couldn't!  Wow!  What a wonderful miracle!
There is power when the Spirit is the one teaching, and not us.  We are striving to have Spirit guided lessons, studies, planning, etc.  It is hard, because sometimes we have to make decisions before we get the go ahead from the Spirit.  But we're both really learning how to teach together and invite the Spirit into the work.
Thank you all for your letters and support!  I am so happy and blessed to know you!  I love you all!
Happy February!
Keep the faith,
Sorella Willey
Sorella Willey

Sorella Elizabeth Willey
Missione Italiana di Milano
Via Gramsci, 13/4
20090 Opera MI