February 15, 2012
Dear Family and Friends,
It was so fun to get your letters this week! Unfortunately, as usual, I will probably not be able to respond to many individually, but know that I am thinking of you and praying for each of you! Thank you for the miracle stories and the updates on family, family photos, and testimonies that you shared. My testimony grows everytime a friend, family or loved one shares with me. Thank you!
This week has been up and down. We have two women preparing for baptism, and many others who want to know, but haven't yet received their answers. We are working with them and trying to help them, but the biggest problem is that we haven't been able to see most of them this week. Everyone is sick, searching for work, busy with work, or just isn't available when we are. We have knocked on a lot of doors, and unfortunately, we have seen very little response. We have seen miracles, we have been able to see people touched by the Spirit, and we've even found people ready to receive the Gospel, but there seems to be a time monster that is eating everyone's time. Does that ever happen to you? That you know you want to do something, but you just don't see how you'll have time?
On Sunday, we had a really crazy experience. We were about to go out in the afternoon, but then ran into a little personal type of emergency. No worries, nothing to worry about, problem solved. But at the time it seemed pretty urgent. We called a member of the branch, he called another, and then we had the entire branch at our side to help us. The branch president came and gave me a blessing, and I knew that everything would be fine. When we arrived home that night just before 10PM, we called Sister Wolfgramm (the wonderful wife of our wonderful mission president), and we both felt incredible love and safety. We are SO blessed to have the Wolfgramms as our mission 'mom and dad,' and they are truly inspired in their guidance, counsel, and leadership. I was so grateful for the care and love in this city, in our branch, and for the wonderful organization we have in the Church. It really is a miracle to see people who 'mourn with those that mourn and comfort those that stand in need of comfort.' I am so grateful for the friends, leaders, and family members who take the time in their life to take care of others.
Well, time is running out. But I was thinking of sharing two little thoughts. First:
Fun huh? The Sorelle in the office sent us that. I love Sorella Smith and Sorella Burgoyne! Happy Valentines Day!
Second, I was reading over some of my notes in one of my Books of Mormon that I'm marking up here, and it really stuck out to me that God really wants us to have happiness. He sends us messages all over the place. Just look at the mountains, the sky, the hills, the snow, the sunset, etc. He sends us family, friends, leaders, prophets, neighbors, and co-workers who have something special to offer us and make us better. He sends us books, music, art, and the means to find all sorts of great answers. And then, of course, He sent us Jesus Chrst, so that we can change, repent, leave behind the bad and the ugly, and start fresh everyday clean, hopeful, and full of love. "The tender mercies of the Lord are over all . . . because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance" (1 Nephi 1:20).
I love my mission. It's definitely not easy. It's definitely not what I expected, but I am learning and growing and changing every day. I am so grateful for my wonderful companion, for my wonderful companions, who have each taught me about myself, about the Gospel, and about lots of other great things that I'm so grateful to now have and know.
I'd like to recommend Mosiah 23 and 24. I'm pretty sure I've recommended it before, but it couldn't hurt to read it again. SO beautiful!
I love you all! Thank you for being YOU!!!
Love always,
~Sorella Willey
Sorella WilleySorella Elizabeth Willey
Missione Italiana di Milano
Via Gramsci, 13/4
20090 Opera MI
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