February 29, 2012
Dear Family and Friends,
As alwasys, not much time. As usual, I have a little story. :)
We had been working with a man who was very discouraged about life. We met him on the street last transfer, and we were making good progress until he disappeared two weeks ago. On Saturday, we were praying for our investigators to come to church. As I was listing off people, I thought, 'Why not pray for Alessio?' :) Of course that was the Spirit. I prayed that he'd have a desire to come to church, and then he actually showed up the next morning. On time. With no phonecall, no warning. He just wanted to come to church, and he was talking to a bunch of members after sacrament meeting. He now knows many of them by name, and though he just got a job and it's harder to meet with him than ever, we have lots of hope for him. It's amazing how quickly the Lord answers prayers of missionaries. I wonder if I'm really worthy of those blessings sometimes, but then I realize that none of us are ever really perfectly perfect, but because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can be forgiven and counted worthy through Him.
I'm so grateful for the Book of Mormon, and I know that it's true. This morning as I was reading in that copy that you gave me at the beginning, I felt the Spirit bear testimony again as I read in Mormon 7 about Jesus Christ being our example and Savior. I just can't imagine not being able to read from those inspired words every day. It's such a sad story but such a hopeful and true message. The most beautiful part about it is that we can all change. Through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we can all improve a little every day.
I'm so grateful for the Book of Mormon, and I know that it's true. This morning as I was reading in that copy that you gave me at the beginning, I felt the Spirit bear testimony again as I read in Mormon 7 about Jesus Christ being our example and Savior. I just can't imagine not being able to read from those inspired words every day. It's such a sad story but such a hopeful and true message. The most beautiful part about it is that we can all change. Through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we can all improve a little every day.
I don't remember from week to week what I've written in these emails. I kind of just sit down and write what I'm thinking and feeling. Maybe I repeat myself a lot. I often catch myself writing about scriptures I've read, and I often read the same scriptures more than once. So if I repeat myself a lot, forgive me. I am just so grateful for the opportunity to share a little of what gives me joy with the people I love the most.
Thank you all for your letters. I'm going to have a little time this afternoon, so maybe I can respond to some of you... hopefully. :) I just want you all to know how much each of you means to me. If I had 12 hours of email time, I'm pretty sure I still couldn't express enough to all of you what I feel and how grateful I am to each of you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything!
Love you all,
-Sorella Willey
Sorella Willey
Sorella Willey
Sorella Elizabeth Willey
Missione Italiana di Milano
Via Gramsci, 13/4
20090 Opera MI
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