mercoledì 13 aprile 2011

Modena - Transfer 3 - Week 1

April 13, 2011

Dear Family and Friends,
Wow, there's so much to say, and literally no time to say it!  I'm here in Modena with Sorella Snodgrass. She is from Ohio, and she's on Transfer 9.  She was originally in the Rome mission, but when missions split/combined/whatever she transfered up to Milano.  She's SO sweet, and a GEM to get along with!  I love her to death, and we've already seen lots of miracles together! 
One amazing bit of news is that we have 2 baptismal dates already!  Lorella and Karen.  Lorella is AMAZING!  She's been to church 4 times, and she accepted a baptismal invite on the 1st lesson!  We taught her a second yesterday, and she already has an amazing testimony!  Karen is from Philipines, and I met her for the 1st time today.  She got to know the other sisters really well, and cried when she saw that the other Sorella had left.  I felt so bad.   Then she bore her testimony to me of the Book of Mormon and about how she is seeing that living the commandments really brings her peace and understanding. Wow!  What a miracle!  She has been living the word of wisdom for a whole week, and says that it isn't really that hard, even though she had to drop coffee and wine!!!  She is amazing, and I can't wait to get to know her better.
Unfortunately I don't have much more time, but I want you all to know how much I love the Savior.  He lives, He loves us, and He really is the key to the amazing plan that our Heavenly Father has created for us!  I have felt an extra measure of help as we have been trying for 100% obedience this transfer.  I am gaining a stronger testimony of obedience bringing blessings! 
I'd like to challenge you all to try something this week.  Say your prayers and read a bit from the scriptures every day this week, and see if it doesn't make a difference in your life!  And if you're already doing that, then say a gratitude prayer at some point in the middle of the day, only thanking your Heavenly Father for all your blessings.  Then record your feelings, and let me know how you feel!  We've challenged investigators to do the same.  It really is the little things that make a huge difference!
Thank you all again for your love and support!  I love you each dearly and pray for you!
Keep the faith!
Love always,
-Sorella Willey
P.S.  Here's the scripture I'm working on memorizing this week:
Alma 7:11-13
Ed egli andrà, soffrendo pene e afflizioni e tentazioni di ogni specie; e ciò affinché si possa adempiere la parola che dice: egli prenderà su di sé le pene e le malattie del suo popolo.  E prenderà su di sé la morte, per poter sciogliere i legami della morte che legano il suo popolo; e prenderà su di sé le loro infermità, affinché le sue viscere possano essere piene di misericordia, secondo la carne, affinché egli possa conoscere, secondo la carne, come socorrere il suo popolo nelle loro infermità.  Ora, lo Spirito conosce ogni cosa: nondimeno il Figlio di Dio soffrirà, secondo la carne, per poter prendere su di sé i peccati del suo popolo, per poter cancellare le loro trasgressioni, secondo il potere della sua liberazione; ed ora, ecco, questa è la testimonianza che è in me.

Sorella Willey

Sorella Elizabeth Willey
Missione Italiana di Milano
Via Gramsci, 13/4
20090 Opera MI

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