martedì 21 dicembre 2010

3 Weeks Left!

December 21, 2010

Dear Family and Friends,
This has been quite the crazy week!  I have been placed temporarily with Anziano Osborn and Anziano Schwing as my "companions,"  but Anziano Schwing is leaving tomorrow for Germany.  He'll be serving in the Frankfurt Germany mission until he finishes physical therapy on his finger.  Boy am I going to miss him!  He's the best at speaking the language, and he's basically fluent, so we can always ask him when we have questions about anything language.  This week he taught me passato remoto... I know.  I don't have to learn it, but it's been really helpful in scriptures and hymns. 
Last night and tonight I'm on splits with an Portugese sister... She's not actually Portugese, but she's been here learning Portugese for her Brazil mission.  Because of visa problems, almost all of the Brazil missionaries have been reassigned (temporarily we all hope).  But she was reassigned to SLC, and most of her district left, and all of her roommates, so I'm sleeping in her room and hanging out with her while she packs all day today.  It's funny, because we know a bunch of the same people.  She is from Provo, so we made a lot of connections last night.  It's such a small world here at the MTC.  Everyone knows someone who knows someone else, who's related to or used to date someone else.  Really funny.  :)
We got 2 new districts of all elders.  All going to Milano.  They are so impressive!  They've done all the memorizations that took us 2 weeks in 2-4 days!  They're language is fantastic, and their spirit is amazing!  Missionaries just keep getting better and better!  I had actually connected with one of the elders on facebook from Oklahoma beforehand, so it was funny to meet someone in person whom I had "met online" first.  So many great people here!
It has been one of the harder weeks.  A couple of times I've been thinking about my departed S.lla Diehl, then I think about my departing Schwing, then I think about Brother Johnston, and now I'm losing Sister Tirell... The other coordinating sister in the branch with whom I'm on splits right now (How'd you like that grammer, Cat?).  But I've found faith in thinking about all the people that I'm going to be meeting in Italy, trying to serve the people here, and falling in love with the gospel and the Savior.  It's really true that sometimes He allows us to be tried so much that we fall to our knees, and then he allows us to stay there so we can bring Him closer to us.  Boy I miss you all and love you so much!  What a wonderful family I have been blessed with!  And how could I ask for better friends who support me and inspire me to be better? 
We watched the M&SW broadcast on Sunday and I saw all my dear dear friends in the Orchestra and Choir!  Boy, the cellos got a lot of camera time.  I definitely cried the entire broadcast!  But it's good to have great friends and things to come home to.  A lot of the elders and sisters here are talking about how they have no idea what they're coming home to.
On Saturday, Anziani Schwing and Osborn and I had an english fast (digiuno inglese). :)  It was amazing.  I messed up twice and said probably about a total  of 10 English words.  But other than that, I spoke only in Italian for 26 hours strraaiigghhtt!!  And forgive the double letters, the power went out in the middle of this email, aanndd  ssince then, my computer is making really funny mistakes.  Luckily it saved most of the emaaiill,,  bbuutt  now I only have a few minutes left.  :) Eeek!  Wow, tthhaatt  wwooaass  funnny though.  I'm in the laundry room.  The lights went out, and then everbody simultaneously said "NOOO!!!"  Luckily the machines just stopped where tthheeyy  were, and all we had to do was press restart.  They all started back with the same amount of time left on them.
My testimony of Jesus Christ and how His Atonement works for me everyday in my life.  I love Him,  aanndd I feel so much closer to Him as I teach and learn about the Gospel.  Yesterday II  wwaass  hhaavviinngg  aa  hard day in the morning, and when Anziano Osborn saaiidd the prayer before we went in to teach "Allessandro" again in the TRC, I felt thee  SSppiirriitt  come into my heart, and a great love for Allessandro and desire for his welfare.  I can't wait to be meeting with people every day in Italy!  I'mddoowwnn  ttoo  tthhee  three week countdown, and boy am I excited!
I love all the people here!  I lovee  tthhee  Spirit that I can feel surrounding me and buoying me up wherever I go.  I'm going to miss the huge devotionals singing the hymns of Zion with thousands of other eenndowed members who are all united with the same purpose and love of God!
I'm going to quote thhee  llaasstt  three verses of D&C 4 in Italian.... hope there's time!
"E la fede, la speranza, la carita' e l'amore, conn  occhio rivolte unicamente alla gloria di Dio lo qualificano per l'opera.   RRiicordate, la fede, la virtu', la conoscenza, la temperennzza, la patienza, la gentilezza fraterna, la pieta', la carita', l'umilita', e la diligenza.  Chiedete, e riceverete. Busate, e vi sara' aperto. Amen."
I love you all, and I love this gospel!  I know it's true!  I know it!  I'm so grateful for this amazing opportunity to serve and feel the love of God in my life so  ppoowwerfully.  I've never felt the love and approval of God quite in this way.  I can't wait to get out and share it!  I  feel like I could just burst!
Thaannkk  yyoouu for your support!  Thank you for being miracles in my life!
Keep the faith!
~Sorella Elizabeth Willey

Sorella Willey

Sister Elizabeth Denise Willey
MTC Mailbox # 194
ITA-MIL 0112
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793

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