mercoledì 3 agosto 2011

Verona 1 - Transfer 5 - Week 5

August 3, 2011

Dear Family and Friends,
Thank you all for your birthday wishes!  I'm sorry I can't respond and thank you personally, but I appreciate your thoughts and the news you shared with me!  I love you all, and I pray for you often!   I wasn't expecting much for my b'day, but a senior couple came to check our apartment last week, and took us to get pizza.  Then they ordered me a cheesecake, and then we got gelato.  So yes, I'm one year older, but I'm also 1 pound up.  ;)  Oh well.  The good food is worth it.
This week was BEAUTIFUL!!!  Charles, (who will be baptized in 2 weeks) is reading and reading the Book of Mormon.  He's understanding it and asking questions about the reading!   It is such a relief to not have to probe him to find out if or what he read!  And then he said, "So what exactly are the time requirements for baptism?  How soon can I do it?"  We told him that he had to come to church at least 2 more times.  Then he looked at Saidi (who will also be baptized in 2 weeks)  and said, "We might have to miss that mandatory meeting they have this Sunday. It's REALLY important that we show up to church so we can be baptized."  !!!!!!!   I'm so grateful that the Lord led us to elect souls who understand the importance of coming to church and keeping commitments! 
To me it is a miracle that we were prompted to go to this 'African Beauty Center' over and over this transfer.  We passed out over 10 Books of Mormon to various people, taught at least 5 lessons to various friends there, but nobody ever came to church. Then on the day when we said, "We need to stop going there because nobody's coming to chruch.  This will be our last visit,"  we met Saidi and he introduced us to Charles.  Both of them came to church immediately.  They both have challenges to overcome, but the faith to follow Jesus Christ and use the Atonement to overcome them.  At the end of the lesson yesterday, Saidi said, "Now, we really have to pray for Charles because he smokes and drinks."  We haven't even taught the Word of Wisdom, but we got to address the problem early and let him know ahead of time that ANYTHING was possible, and put in a plug for 'replacing' the old habit with a new one (like reading).  :)  They both already understand what they need to do, and they're ready to do it.
They both said that they know they were led to Italy so they could meet us.  They are from Nigeria, and they have an incredible story!  They came on boats with 200+ people on 'top sea.'  Saidi (pronounced saw-eed) had a particularly miraculous experience.  With 210 people, their boat was shipwrecked.  There were 4 babies, and for 4 days they were in the water.  After a couple of days, they had to drink sea water.  None of them died.  The whole time they prayed and sang and praised God.  Then, at one point after they all were singing, there was all of a sudden silence.  Complete silence.  They waited for many minutes, and then they saw 6 ships which came to the rescue!  
Believe it or not, this happened in May 2011.  Yes, right here in the 21st century!  Charles said that when he was on the boat, he felt that it was just him and God.  He prayed and made a pact that he would always serve God.  He said that he was never very religious, but being without anything, in the middle of the ocean, changed his look on life.
I think that has changed the way I look at my mission.  It would be easy to complain and say, "But I don't get TV, movies, novels, magazines, jeans, swimming, etc. etc. etc."  But instead, we get to focus so much more energy on God. On people, and on the relationship we have with God.  I have so much to learn still, but I am learning that my relationship with my Heavenly Father and with His Son and my Savior Jesus Christ, is one of the most precious things that I or anyone else can attain in this life.  I keep learning it over and over, and every time I feel like I get a little closer.   
I am so grateful for what I am learning here and the wonderful people I get to meet and 'teach.'  I hope you are all doing fantastically well, and I appreciate so much your friendship, love, and concern for me and my family.   Every one of you blesses so many people every day, and I feel lucky to have been blessed by you!
Have a wonderful week!  Next week I'll have transfer updates.  I have the feeling I'm going to be going a long way this transfer.  Maybe I'll stay, but who knows!? 
In the meantime, keep the faith, and if you're wondering what the purpose of the Book of Mormon is, look at Jacob 1:1-8.  I just read it this morning, and it also describes my purpose here in Italy.  'To invite others to come unto Christ.'
Love always,
-Sorella Willey 
P.S.  This computer doesn't have a 'send photos' option.  Pictures coming next week.  It'll be good.  I promise.

Sorella Willey

Sorella Elizabeth Willey
Missione Italiana di Milano
Via Gramsci, 13/4
20090 Opera MI

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